Some extra Math functionality for your enjoyment.
<static> DEG_TO_RAD
The factor to convert degrees to radians.
<static> RAD_TO_DEG
The factor to convert radians to degrees.
<static> clamp()
Clamps a value to a minimum and maximum.
<static> estimateGaussianRadius(variance, epsilon)
Estimates the radius of a gaussian curve.
Name Type Description variance
The variance of the gaussian curve.
The minimum value of the curve to still be considered within the radius.
<static> getNextPowerOfTwo()
Gets the power of two larger or equal to the passed value.
<static> isPowerOfTwo()
Verifies whether the value is a power of 2.
<static> lerp()
Linearly interpolates a number.
<static> linearStep()
Returns 0 if x < lower, 1 if x > lower, and linearly interpolates in between.
<static> log2()
Return the base-2 logarithm.
<static> saturate()
Clamps a value to 0 and 1
<static> sign()
Returns the sign of a given value.
-1 if v < 0, 0 if v == 0, 1 if v > 1
- Type
- number